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Boat insurance

Protect your boat with Our Boat Insurance and enjoy sailing with Peace of Mind.
We provide various covers to suit your requirements and offering great products at a price you can afford. Our policy covers you for physical loss or damage to your yacht and your personal effects, as well as the third-party liability up to agreed values and limits as per Institute Clauses So leave your fears ashore and sail confidently!

Types Boats Do We Cover

  • Pleasure craft
  • Motorboats
  • Yacht
  • Sailing boats or other similar properties.

Whether used for private pleasure or for commercial pleasure and recreational purposes

What We Insure As A Boat?

  • Hull & Machineries of the Boat
  • Boat Equipment and fixtures.
In Addition To Hull And Machinery, We Can Provide Additional Coverage Up To An Agreed Values And Limits As Per Institute Clauses Such As The Following
  • Third party Liability Cover
  • Uninsured boater coverage
  • Search and rescue
  • Personal effects including cash
  • Personal accident

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